Notes and data protection information
Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy set out the terms and conditions you agree to when using the Intrexx website. It also details the procedures we have put in place to ensure that your data is handled responsibly and securely. The applicable data protection and privacy laws (GDPR) are also considered.
Legal information
Below you will find all information and legal documents that form the basis for business relationships and agreements between us and our (potential) customers and partners.
- End User License Agreement (EULA)
- INTREXX AVV Contractor (incl. TOM)
- INTREXX Rental (Terms and Conditions)
- INTREXX Online Academy (Terms and Conditions)
- INTREXX Platform as a Service (PAAS) (Terms and Conditions)
- INTREXX Service & Support (Terms and Conditions)
- INTREXX Services (Terms and Conditions)